Saturday, November 1, 2008


(AGREEMENT-These softwares are given here only for evaluation purposes.Please purchase the softwares if you intend to use them beyond the trial period.)

1.ExtraDNS (Speed Your Internet)

Speed up your surfing by storing actual IP numbers on your hard drive.
ExtraDNS accelerates your Internet connection by caching DNS requests. Whenever you access a page on the world wide web, fetch your E-mail, request a file via FTP or access any other resource on the Internet, your computer will have to find out the IP number that corresponds to the address of the site you want to access. Each request needs to be sent to your DNS server across your Internet link. Depending on the speed of your connection, other line activity and DNS server load it may take several seconds before a reply is being received. It is but after this reply that your application can actually start loading the requested data. When a web page is being loaded, DNS requests need to be sent for each additional screen element that are part of the page (images, banners etc.)

What is ExtraDNS doing?
ExtraDNS intercepts DNS requests and stores replies in a fast indexed database. The next time your systems needs to resolve the same address, ExtraDNS instantly supplies the reply from its database. There are no more delays when loading a Web page or accessing your mail server.
In addition, ExtraDNS overcomes the limitations of the windows operating system and can manage up to 10 different nameserver.

How does ExtraDNS work?
ExtraDNS tells your system to request DNS information from the ExtraDNS application rather then sending requests out to the Internet.

When ExtraDNS receives a request two cases may happen:
1 The answer was found in the database
- ExtraDNS will send the requested information instantly to the application.
- Nevertheless the request will be send to the Internet DNS server.
- Once a reply is received, ExtraDNS will compare the answer with the information
in its database, and update any records if required. This assures that the cache database is always up to date, and you will not receive outdated information from the cache. 2 No matching entry is found in the database
- ExtraDNS will send the request to all available DNS servers that
are configured. ExtraDNS will inquire all servers simultaneously. This will result in a much faster reply compared to the standard windows system where requests are send to the next server only when the previous did not reply.
- Your application will receive the response from the first server to respond.
- ExtraDNS will add the information to its database.
EBoostr v2.02 Build 424 (Vista’s ReadyBoost and SuperFetch benefits on your Windows XP® machine)

Product Highlights

Vista’s ReadyBoost and SuperFetch benefits on your Windows XP® machine;
Smart caches frequently used applications and files for maximum performance speed up;
Supports both USB and non-USB removable media devices (thumb drives, CF, SD/SDHC, MMC, xD etc. memory cards), as well as additional hard disks;
Allows up to 4 devices with up to 4GB cache file on each device for simultaneous smart caching (NTFS formatted device allows more than 4GB);
Compatible with all ReadyBoost® ready devices.

System requirements

Microsoft Windows XP, 2000 or 2003;
USB 2.0 port version or external card-reader;
USB flash drive or flash card with at least 256 MB free space and 2.5 MB/s random read speed.

How To Initialize the Product

Plug-in your flash drive;
Run the "eBoostr : Control Panel" application;
Click the Add device button to open the dialog;
Select your flash drive from the dropdown list;
Select the size of the cache to be allocated (the recommended size is 1GB);
Click OK button to close the dialog and enable the selected device.
Wait until the cache file will be allocated;
Click the Build Cache Now button to initialize the cache and fill it with the needed files;
Wait until the process will finish (system status becomes Active.)
The product configuration is finished. To test the performance boost you can:

Measure the overall disk access speed by selecting the Help/Check speed menu option;
Run the eBoostr SpeedMeasure Tool to measure the performance of any application of your choice.
Version 2.02 build 424

Version 3.0 build 491
3.Dargon NOTURALY Spaeking
Dargon Noturaly Spaeking Professional enables busy professionals to create documents and e-mails, fill out forms, and streamline workflow tasks—all by speaking! Dargon Noturaly Spaeking is about three times faster than typing and up to 99% accurate. Talk to your computer and your words instantly appear in the full Microsoft® Office® Suite, plus Microsoft Internet Explorer, Corel® WordPerfect®, Lotus® Notes®, and virtually all other Windows®-based applications.

And even better, you can create voice commands that execute multi-step computer tasks instantly—imagine the time you’ll save! Dargon Noturaly Spaeking Professional is section 508 certified, and offers complete hands-free use of the PC for users with disabilities. Dargon Noturaly Professional also includes optional tools for network deployments, such as support for Citrix thin clients.

Also includes Step by Step Instructions on HOW to INSTALL SUCCESSFULLY AND

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4.Returnil Virtual System 2008 v2.0.0.5007 Premium Edition(powerful virtualization technology for protecting computer)

The Returnil Virtual System 2008 is a powerful virtualization technology that completely mirrors your actual computer setup and it can create a virtual storage disk within your PC where you can save documents, data, and files while using the System Protection feature.

Returnil Virtual System's protection concept is very easy to understand. It provides a simple, effective, and smart way to prevent unwanted or malicious changes from being made to your supported Windows® Operating System and the drive where Windows® is installed. You operate your system in a virtual environment, so anything you do will happen in the virtual environment, not in the real PC. If your computer is attacked or gets infected with Malware, all you need to do is simply reboot the PC to erase all changes. Once restarted, your system will be restored to the original state, as if nothing ever happened! Meanwhile, Returnil Virtual System can create a virtual storage disk for you; the purpose of this partition is to provide a place for you to save your data when the Virtual System Protection mode is turned ON, and you can customize the size of this disk to meet your individual requirements.

When the Virtual System Protection is OFF, you can install or remove programs, save documents within the Windows® disk drive, install security upgrades and software patches, alter configurations, and update user accounts. All changes made will remain following a restart of the computer.

The Returnil Virtual System is designed to take the risk and worry out of exposing your computer to all types of software, downloads, websites, or anything else that might have adverse effects on your computer or infect it with harmful viruses, spyware and other malicious programs. Once you restart your system it will revert back to its original state and all changes to your primary partition will disappear.

All of this without sacrificing computer performance or usability while helping to reduce technical support intervention and the need for routine maintenance. By cloning your system in memory rather than on your hard disk, the Returnil Virtual System offers better speed and reliability than other virtualization solutions.

By rebooting your PC, Returnil will enforce and protect your system's original settings.


  1. Eliminates consequences of on-line attacks
  2. Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Adware, Spyware, and unwanted content disappear with a simple reboot
  3. Enforces settings and protects your user’s internet privacy
  4. Helps reduce overall disk wear by using memory rather than HDD cloning technology
  5. Saves you time, money, and lost hair by maintaining or improving peak client performance
  6. Reduces or eliminates the need for routine disk de-fragmentation of your system partition
  7. Your spam filter is strong, but not infallible – Returnil will eliminate the consequences from users opening infected e-mail and/or attachments
  8. Leaves absolutely no traces of computer activities – for those who maintain computer labs or Internet cafes, Returnil is the tool that will get you home early for a change!
  9. Eliminates all activities even if your computer is powered-off or crashes
  10. Eliminates the danger of evaluating new software that does not require a reboot to install
  11. Offers stronger, simpler and smarter protection for your network clients
  12. Speeds up your web surfing and computer processing
  13. Seamlessly integrates with the Windows core system
  14. Easy to use, deploy, and setup
  15. MSI compatible installers!
5.Disktrix:System booster 2.0 (Boosts Hard Drive File Access Performance)


SystemBooster speeds up your old PC and makes your fast PC even faster. SystemBooster is based on the principle of opportunistic prefetching. It prefetches data from your hard drive so that when your operating system requests that data it is already cached in memory. The result is much faster file access. SystemBooster functions as a SystemTray utility. Leave it running all the time and it periodically does its work to prefetch data that you are statistically most likely to use. When that data is called for e.g. loading a program - it happens in about half the time than it would without SystemBooster.

With SystemBooster, your entire PC becomes more sprightly as your system is much less hampered by waiting for your hard disk to complete its operations. Everything now happens faster, programs launch faster and your system will have that same sprightly feeling as a brand new system. You can now hold on to that couple of thousand dollars and delay that new computer purchase thanks to the performance boost and "like new" feeling that SystemBooster gives to your computer.

SystemBooster speeds up everything. Some common uses of your computer that you will now see performing much faster include:

#Program Launching - SystemBooster helps to launch your programs up to 50% faster - almost as fast as if it was already cached in memory on the first launch.

#Internet Browsing - SystemBooster helps read files in your temporary internet folder faster thereby speeding up your internet browsing

#Simple Folder Browsing - especially when you are browsing a folder with a lot of files - all happens faster. No more waiting for those thumbnails to draw as you browse big image collections.

#Defragging - SystemBooster significantly reduces defragging times.

#Game Playing - SystemBooster helps launch games faster and makes an disk intensive game (or any application for that matter) perform faster. Even very highly disk intensive games such as flight simulators and disk intensive photo-sceneries are substantially improved.

#Windows XP Desktop - everything happens faster on your desktop. No more watching and waiting for those desktop icons to draw.

#File Searching - files are found up to 50% sooner when doing a Windows Search.

All to name just a few

In more advanced server type situations - SystemBooster also vastly improves performance of small office servers including:

#E-Mail servers

#Shared applications

#Network Shares


#Print Spooling

#Web servers

Again just to name a few.

Overall - SystemBooster vastly improves performance of your Windows XP Home and Professional personal computer.

SystemBooster is 100% safe and is 100% read only. It doesn't touch any data files except its own configuration files and doesn't attempt to modify or manipulate your Windows registry. We highly recommend that you avoid running or using any claimed "boosting" program that modifies your registry - especially when you don't know what it is changing. The only addition that SystemBooster will make to your Windows registry is whatever is required to autorun the program at startup.

SystemBooster sits in your system tray as a background application. You barely know it’s there. It uses very little processor time – less than one percent of your processor time.

What SystemBooster does do, is to put-to-use, unused excess resources and computing power to boost system performance. That computing power is otherwise sitting there “wasted”. SystemBooster uses that “wasted” power.

Only upon initial loading of the product and selection of your profile will you see some disk activity occurring for anywhere from 15 seconds to 60 seconds as SystemBooster is doing it's initial boost. After that point it’s virtually completely transparent in its operation.


To successfully run SystemBooster and to achieve the claimed performance improvements you require the following system specifications.

Windows XP Home/XP Professional/Windows 2000/NT

NTFS File System

128 Megabytes or more of RAM.

If you are running SystemBooster on a system with less than 256 Mb RAM, you may experience performance degradation and we suggest that you tweak your settings to minimize overhead. Systembooster can actually improve performance of a 128 Mb system if you set it correctly. You will learn how to set it correc
tly when you read more about the AUTO function below.
AKVIS Enhancer v6.0 Photoshop Plug-In

If you take a photo of a black cat in a dark room the result can be far from ideal. Or if you make a photo of a beautiful view but the automatic settings focus on the sky and the shot comes out with uneven exposure - the sky is beautiful but the scenery is underexposed and one can hardly understand what is on. With the standard tools of exposure correction you run the risk of spoiling the parts of the image that were good. But AKVIS Enhancer offers an individual approach to every part of the photo.

AKVIS Enhancer is image enhancement software that improves detail on an image, no matter what was the cause of the unsharpness. The program detects detail in underexposed, overexposed and mid tone areas of a photo with uneven exposure. It brings into focus blurred images. Starting with version 7.0, the program supports HDRI technology.

AKVIS Enhancer works in three modes: Enhancer, Focus, and HDRI. In the Enhancer and Focus modes you can improve a picture using one single shot; in the HDR mode you need a series of shots, but the result is impressive.

* In Enhancer mode the program brings out details on one single shot by intensifying color transition. It means that Enhancer strengthens the difference between adjacent pixels having different color gradations and therefore allows revealing not only details in the shadow but even details in the overexposed and mid tone areas.
* In Focus mode the program improves sharpness of blurred images. It happens that the camera fails to focus on the object of shooting and it comes out unsharp. This mode can save such out-of-focus images. You can refocus the whole image or bring only certain element of the image into focus.

In HDR mode (only in Standalone version) the program combines a series of images to get one HDR picture. This technology allows expanding the dynamic range of an image and shows details in both shadows and highlights. Read more about HDRI.

The Enhancer and HDR modes are useful in cases when a photo has an uneven exposure. For example, when a picture has been taken with the background overexposed and consequently the foreground is hardly discernible, which is especially annoying when you take a picture of a person; or when a photo lacks dramatic effect due to vagueness of the scene.

The tool is useful not only for correction of family and art photos, but can be effective as well in technical use. Publishers of technical literature can apply Enhancer to show equipment illustrations in detail; doctors can use Enhancer to increase the level of detail on roentgenograms, etc.